Saturday, April 13, 2013

Playa de Salinas

More Avilés


French Garden at Palacio de Ferrera

Calle Galiano

Franciscan's Church


The hilltop settlements around Spain which pre-date the Romans are called Castros. Originally, the buildings generally were round, daub-and-waddle construction. At Xixòn, the excavated foundations are rectilinear, which is believed to come from the influence of the Romans in the Third Century.

Laboral was a system of schools created in the 1950s, exclusively for the free education of children of the working class. Everything was provided to the students, including room, board, uniforms and books. The Laboral school at Xixón was the crown jewel, constructed in neo-classical style. Antonio Javier González Diaz attended here from age 11 to 19, and then at the Laboral university. It now is part of the University of Oviedo system.



Reconstructed castro buidlings

Laboral (4)


Where Antonio Ribas worked for Real Compañía de Minas. This is where he most likely met Mercedes' brother, Antonio González Conde.


Playa de Arnao and the zinc smelter

Playa de Arnao (2)

Entrance to the zinc mine, which ran 2km out under the seabed

More family

Maria Antonia, daughter of Covadonga González Cueto, and her daughters, Maria Antonia and Maria Jesus; and Marina and Arturo's son Arturo and his family



San Román de Naveces

José Martí monument

Ayuntamiento (City Hall)

A little Deutschland on Calle Galiana

Santiago pilgrim chapel on Calle Rivero

Saints and crucifix in pilgrim chapel

Hotel Palacio de Ferrera

El Sol (cross street in medieval Avilés)

Franciscan's Church (oldest building in Avilés, 12th century)

Tomb of Pedro Menendez, founder of St Augustine, Florida, in Franciscan's Church

Niemeyer Center and Port of Avilés

Niemeyer Center

Park Muelle (created in the 19th century when a part of the estuary was filled, which had separated medieval Avilés from Sabugo, the medieval fisherman's quarter, which was outside the city walls)

Monument to Pedro Menendez in Park Muelle

13th century Romanesque apse and side entrance to Sabugo church

Communist Party headquarters

Friday, April 12, 2013



Old town street and Oviedo Catedral

Sole surviving Romanesque window, Iglesia de San Tirso

Roman aqueduct

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Berlin Comedian Harmonists

At Komödie am Kurfürstendamm, 5.4.2012