Friday, May 10, 2013

Camino Primitivo - Etapa 3, Salas to Campiello


I didn't see this restaurant in Salas until I was leaving town, but I heard later that it is very hospitable and serves an excellent pilgrim menu. (Pilgrim menus usually cost 9€ for two courses, dessert and local wine.)

Hillside cobblestone way marker.

Way markers on the albergue in Bodenaya (which looked very nice and was my intended destination on day two, but It is 6.8km after Salas, and I was ready to stop when I reached Salas. And I am glad I did. I spent a very pleasant evening there.)

Capilla del Cristo de los Afligidos (15th century) in La Espina.

Pilgrim fountain after La Espina.

Enthusiastic Camino-side residents 

My guidebook said, "The route leads along quiet country roads and forested footpaths, but beware that after rain the route into Tineo can turn from a pleasant stroll into a slow and muddy slog."

I can testify to the veracity of that description. The last 6km into Tineo was perhaps the most miserable part of the Camino. But, there always must be a little suffering. 

Entering Tineo, a Santiago sundial.

Tineo (founded by the Romans, made an obligatory Camino stop by King Alfonso IX in 1222). Romanesque belltower of La Iglesia de San Pedro on Plaza de Alonso Martinez, and crucifix (I later saw several of these along the way) with Santiago on the reverse.

Tineo, just down from Plaza de Alonso Martinez. Palacio de los García.

Tineo, looking back from the Camino. Next stop, Casa Herminia, my first albergue, in 12km.

Camellia near Campiello. They thrive across western Asturias and Galicia.

1 comment:

  1. We're impressed!
    Did you meet many other pilgrims on the way?
